
At 美高梅MGM娱乐, the safety and security of our campus community is preeminent. 如果您有问题或疑虑, feel free to contact the 美高梅MGM娱乐 Police at 570-321-5555 or the Student Affairs Office at 570-320-5310.



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  • 火警,警察,医疗紧急情况 dial 9-1-1


  • 美高梅MGM娱乐警察- 570-321-5555
  • 莱康明县通信中心- 570-433-3166
  • 沉默的证人

The Police Department at 美高梅棋牌娱乐 serves the 美高梅MGM娱乐 community by ensuring the health, safety, 以及学生的福利, 教职员工, 以及参观学院校园的游客, 同时保护校园安全, 及所有学院设施.


  • 以符合联邦、州和地方法律的方式;
  • by respecting the constitutional and other rights of all citizens;
  • in a spirit of personal respect, courtesy, collegiality, and willingness to assist others;
  • 通过在个人生活中充当榜样;
  • 无偏见的:没有偏见、偏见、多管闲事或敌意的;
  • in recognition of and support of the academic mission of the College.


All vehicles parked in campus parking facilities weekdays must display a current parking permit on the rearview mirror. 所有停车许可证归宾大所有.

Parking & 违规停车

The roadways of all 美高梅MGM娱乐 facilities are highways for the purposes of enforcement. 适用宾夕法尼亚州车辆法规, 违规者将受到同样的罚款, costs, 和其他高速公路一样. Unpaid citations result in warrants of arrest being issued by the District Judge.

美高梅MGM娱乐 Police Officers have the option of issuing a College citation for minor moving offenses. 这些罚款必须到警察局缴纳. 罚款自发出之日起20个工作日后加倍.

Bicycles & 滑板

Bicycles, 滑板, 轮式溜冰鞋, 溜冰鞋, and similar devices are not permitted inside College buildings.

  • 自行车不使用时,必须停放在自行车架上.
  • Bicycles may not be attached to railings, trees, light posts, or anything other than a bike rack.
  • Violators will be fined and may have their locks cut and their bicycles impounded until the fine has been paid.

滑板, 轮式溜冰鞋, 溜冰鞋, or similar devices are not vehicles and are prohibited on roadways. In addition to restrictions imposed by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, the following prohibitions apply to the operation of 滑板, 轮式溜冰鞋, 溜冰鞋, 或者校园里类似的设备:

  • 任何人不得在滑板上滑行或骑滑板, 轮滑, 轮式溜冰鞋, or similar device upon any roadway or within any building on campus.
  • 人们可以在滑板上滑行或骑行, 轮式溜冰鞋, 溜冰鞋, 或者在人行道上安装类似的装置, provided they yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on foot, 穿过停车场, 前提是它们要给车辆让路.
  • No person may perform any type of acrobatics using 滑板, 轮式溜冰鞋, 溜冰鞋, 或其他类似装置. Acrobatics shall be defined as any action in which both skates or any wheels of a skateboard are off the ground simultaneously.


The 美高梅MGM娱乐 Police office is the official repository for all lost items found on the grounds of any College-owned facility.


Contact College Police and make arrangements for the item to be picked up or delivered to the Police Office, located in 佩恩公寓,在西三街和格里尔街的拐角处.

Report property lost on campus by contacting the College Police or completing a lost property form at the Police Office so that you can be notified in the property is found.


  • Property of no obvious monetary or sentimental value – 7 days (pencils, pens, notebooks, 教室用品, food, etc.)
  • Property of an estimated value up to $100, and clothing of any value – 30 days
  • Property of an estimated value over $100 – 90 days (jewelry, 电子设备, 拇指驱动器, 移动电话, tools, bicycles, money, etc.)
  • Property removed by staff after the annual locker clearing notice – 30 days
  • Property left or abandoned in classrooms or labs – 30 days after end of semester abandoned
  • Property removed by staff from the residence halls – 15 days after students check out
  • Property of separated employees, regardless of value – 90 days

All found items not claimed within the appropriate time frame will be given to charity or processed and disposed of through the excess property auction.

Clery Act & 犯罪统计数据

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus 犯罪统计数据 Clery Act, 20 U. S. C. §1092(f) is part of the Higher Education Act, and is enforced by the U.S. 教育部. It requires institutions of higher education participating in federal student financial aid programs to report specified crime statistics on college campuses and to provide other safety and crime information to members of the campus community. 罚款25美元,000 for each violation of the regulations that define the reporting requirements.


美高梅棋牌娱乐 publishes an 年度安全 & 消防安全报告. 该报告包含以下信息:

  • Crimes – reporting crimes, crime alerts, crime reports and records, police log
  • Safety -紧急反应和疏散, 报告失踪学生, 性侵犯预防与应对, 性犯罪者登记, 安全意识和预防犯罪, 楼宇保安及安全
  • 犯罪统计数据 – Jeanne Clery Act information and definitions, Clery statistics, PA statistics
  • Drugs & Alcohol – standards of conduct and sanctions, alcohol effects, legal sanctions, referral centers
  • 校园房屋消防安全 -火灾统计, 生命安全系统, 消防演习, training, 防火报告, 洒水装置和火灾探测报告

This report is a result of the Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus 犯罪统计数据 Act and complies with federal reporting requirements, 特别是20u.S. C. Section 1092 (f), and a result of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

年度安全 & 消防安全报告



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